William Evans, a classroom teacher and competitive cyclist, was diagnosed with metastatic melanoma in March of 2020. As a classroom teacher for twenty-four years, Bill inspires his fourth graders to pursue a lifelong love of learning by engaging in the history of their hometown community. Whether hiking through the woods on campus, leading an exploration of the history of downtown Fredericksburg or playing soccer with his students during recess, Bill’s classroom always extends beyond a traditional curriculum. He enjoys teaching teamwork and sportsmanship. Collaborations with the Virginia Historical Society and the George Washington Foundation led to the development of hands-on children’s exhibits at Kenmore plantation. Teaching Virginia history is particularly meaningful for Bill and his annual Civil War bootcamp is a beloved capstone in the Fredericksburg Academy Lower School experience.
After his diagnosis, Bill underwent a radical neck dissection and thirteen months of immunotherapy. His positive mindset and focus on good health is a result of years of competitive cycling and athleticism. When surgery left him unable to ride his bike, Bill walked around town with a walker until he was strong enough to get back on the bike. Last summer, after his immunotherapy treatments ended in June, Bill was already racing again. He achieved a silver medal in the Masters Virginia State Championship Time Trial. Additionally, Bill has won two more State Championship medals in 2023. His commitment to promoting healthy living, motivating himself to continue regular exercise, and raising funds for melanoma research have led him to start a year long riding challenge and YouTube channel. When Bill rests he enjoys watching Star Wars with his wife and two children while sipping a beer from the Red Dragon in Fredericksburg, a brewery which he partly owns and helped to build.