Category: Science
Overcoming Melanoma Treatment Resistance Research Update
24 August 2022 In Science, Treatment
About half of all patients given cancer immunotherapies do not respond to them, and although targeted therapies often dramatically shrink tumors in most patients, in about three-quarters of those patients, the treatments stop being effective weeks to months after initially killing tumor cells.
Improving AI Performance for People of Color: Diagnosing Melanoma & Other Skin Cancers
By Marc Hurlbert, PhD, MRA Chief Executive Officer | 12 August 2022 In Allies & Partnerships, Prevention, Science
The problem with the current state-of-the-art AI and image-based algorithms is that they have been developed using images of moles from light skinned (white) individuals. As a result, existing AI tools are not sensitive enough in people with darker skin. Dr. Albert Chiou, Clinical Associate Professor of Dermatology at Stanford University, the junior faculty member on the L’Oréal Dermatological Beauty Brands-MRA Team Science Award, and his colleagues are working to fix these shortcomings.
MRA's Latest Research Report: The Melanoma Research Community Reunites
11 August 2022 In Allies & Partnerships, Events, Melanoma Stories, News, Prevention, Science, Treatment
Each year, MRA brings together hundreds of people from across the melanoma research community to exchange ideas, report on scientific progress, celebrate achievements, and mourn our collective losses.
Melanoma Clinical Trial Success Story: From Patient Volunteer to No Evidence of Disease
By Renee Orcione, MRA Digital Engagement & Communications Manager | 3 August 2022 In Melanoma Stories, Science
This Mom of three enrolled in a neoadjuvant clinical trial for Stage 3 melanoma. After two infusions of Opdualag, Shannon underwent a successful surgery where doctors removed all affected lymph nodes and tested them, revealing No Evidence of Disease (NED).
What Uveal Melanoma Patients Need to Know about KIMMTRAK
By Cody Barnett, MPH, MRA Senior Director of Communications & Patient Engagement | 18 July 2022 In Science, Treatment
You may have heard of KIMMTRAK, a new therapy that recently earned FDA approval for the treatment of metastatic or unresectable uveal melanoma. Uveal melanoma, also called ocular melanoma, is a rare melanoma subtype that affects about 2,500 people each year in the United States. KIMMTRAK is the first drug to earn FDA approval to treat these patients.
New Funding Alert: Department of Defense Melanoma Research Program
1 July 2022 In Allies & Partnerships, News, Science
Research Funding Alert: The Department of Defense Melanoma Research Program will award up to $40 million in funding for melanoma research in FY22. Learn more about funding mechanisms, focus area, and deadlines!
Preventing Melanomas Before they Happen in Oregon Schools
By Cody Barnett, MPH, MRA Senior Director of Communications & Patient Engagement | 22 June 2022 In Prevention, Science
Dr. Haag and his team had an ambitious goal: they wanted the melanoma prevention and early detection curriculum taught in every high school throughout the state of Oregon. Their curriculum has now been taught to 10,653 students across 79 high schools throughout Oregon.
What Melanoma Patients Need to Know about Opdualag
By Cody Barnett, MPH, MRA Senior Director of Communications & Patient Engagement | 23 May 2022 In Science, Treatment
You may have heard of Opdualag, a new therapy that recently earned FDA approval for advanced melanoma. Opdualag, which combines two different immunotherapies into one medicine, is earning attention as an effective – and more easily tolerated – combination therapy.
MRA Announces $13 Million in Grants to Advance Melanoma Prevention, Detection & Treatment
By Cody Barnett, MPH, MRA Senior Director of Communications & Patient Engagement | 19 May 2022 In News, Prevention, Science, Treatment
Coinciding with Melanoma Awareness Month, the Melanoma Research Alliance (MRA), the largest non-profit funder of melanoma research, today announced funding for 27 research grants totaling $13,046,774 to support new research aimed at advancing melanoma prevention, diagnosis and treatment.
What You Control: Your Microbiome, Diet, Stress, & Melanoma
14 April 2022 In Science
Every day, we hear from patients who want to know what, if anything, they can do to have the best health outcomes possible. For people facing melanoma, it’s common to feel overwhelmed and out of control with everything that a melanoma diagnosis and treatment entail. Yet, how one faces those challenges, can make a big difference. MRA-funded investigator Lorenzo Cohen, PhD is working hard to help patients understand the pivotal role of the microbiome, diet, stress — and their melanoma — on treatment outcomes.