Category: Treatment

Integrative Medicine Answers the Question: ‘What Can I Do to Support My Treatment?’

By Cody Barnett, MPH, MRA Senior Director of Communications & Patient Engagement | 24 August 2020 In Science, Treatment

When Dr. Gary Deng sits down with a new patient to discuss their goals and how integrative medicine can fit into their overall treatment plan, he likens his work to taking care of a plant. “With the right amount of water, sunshine, fertilizer, and soil – a plant will thrive. That’s what integrative medicine is looking to do, but with an entire person,” says Deng.

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Expanding the Tool Box: New Melanoma Treatment Approaches Being Explored

29 July 2020 In Science, Treatment

Despite the tremendous progress made in melanoma treatments over the last 10 years, only about half of such patients respond favorably to current treatments. During the MRA’s Melanoma > Exchange Patient & Advocate Forum, MRA-funded investigators shared updates on emerging science and promising clinical trials.

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Putting Her Faith in Research & Her Doctor

By Cody Barnett, MPH, MRA Senior Director of Communications & Patient Engagement | 23 July 2020 In Melanoma Stories, Treatment

All things considered, things are looking up for Margaret Oplinger. A marble-sized tumor is all that’s left of her Stage 4 melanoma; and her ongoing treatment, every-other week with nivolumab (Opdivo®), will hopefully enable her immune system to attack – and eliminate – this last remnant.

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Melanoma Research Updates from 2020 AACR and ASCO Conferences

By Marc Hurlbert, PhD, MRA Chief Executive Officer | 29 June 2020 In News, Science, Treatment

MRA Chief Science Officer Marc Hurlbert shares exciting melanoma research highlights from ASCO and AACR - the two largest global cancer research conferences that take place annually.

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Maintaining Momentum in Melanoma Research

8 June 2020 In Allies & Partnerships, News, Policy, Prevention, Science, Treatment

The last decade has been one of substantial progress and hope for many melanoma patients, researchers, and clinicians. With 12 new therapeutic approaches now approved to treat melanoma, many advanced-stage patients are seeing their tumors shrink or disappear, and are experiencing renewed hope for a brighter future.

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From Dermatology to Treatment: Second Opinions, Clinical Trials & becoming Your Own Best Advocate

By Cody Barnett, MPH, MRA Senior Director of Communications & Patient Engagement | 29 May 2020 In Melanoma Stories, Science, Treatment

Through his journey with melanoma, Patrick has learned the importance of always being his own best advocate, getting second opinions, and considering clinical trials.

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Lighting up Melanoma (One Cell at a Time)

18 May 2020 In Allies & Partnerships, Prevention, Science, Treatment

Meet Aditi Sahu, a post-doctoral fellow at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, and MRA Dermatology Research Fellow. Learn about her work and MRA's Dermatology Fellowship Award Program.

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Dr. Villanueva Takes Aim at NRAS Mutant Melanoma

By Cody Barnett, MPH, MRA Senior Director of Communications & Patient Engagement | 28 March 2020 In Melanoma Stories, Science, Treatment

When Dr. Villanueva began her work in melanoma, some 15 years ago, it was the perfect scientific challenge. How could a disease be so aggressive – and still be such a mystery?
Then things got personal.

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Coronavirus: What People with Cancer Should Know

24 March 2020 In News, Policy, Science, Treatment

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are common in people and many different species of animals. CDC is responding to an outbreak of respiratory disease caused by a novel (new) coronavirus that was first detected in China and has now been detected in the United States and many other countries.

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Clinical Trials to Watch: Intralesional Therapies for Melanoma

By Kristen Mueller, PhD | 8 February 2020 In Science, Treatment

To an outsider, the number of new treatment options for melanoma may seem to be moving at a breakneck pace. Checkpoint immunotherapy and BRAF/MEK inhibitors have greatly improved outcomes for many late-stage melanoma patients, with over 50% of patients on combination ipilimumab/nivolumab still alive after 5 years.

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