Category: Treatment

Clinical Trials to Watch: September 2024

By Joan Levy, PhD - MRA Chief Science Officer | 26 September 2024 In Allies & Partnerships, News, Science, Treatment

Treatment of advanced melanoma has dramatically improved over the past decade with 17 new therapies approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Even with these treatment advances, 50% of patients with advanced melanoma will either not respond to any of these treatments or their disease will progress, creating a...

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IGNYTE-3 Trial: Harnessing the Power of Viruses to Activate the Immune System and Treat Advanced Melanoma

23 September 2024 In Allies & Partnerships, Events, News, Science, Treatment

Although treatment options for advanced melanoma have improved, many patients still will not benefit from currently approved therapies. In particular, some patients treated with anti-PD1 immunotherapy never respond (called primary resistance) and others initially respond and then their disease progresses (called secondary resistance).

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2025 Scientific Retreat & Patient Forum Scholarship

9 September 2024 In Allies & Partnerships, Events, Melanoma Stories, Prevention, Science, Treatment

MRA’s Patient Advocate Scientific Retreat & Patient Forum Scholarship encourages the engagement, education, and inclusion of patient advocates in melanoma research by providing support for their attendance at the Annual Melanoma Exchange Patient Forum and Scientific Retreat.

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Investigating CAR-T Cell Therapy for Advanced Melanoma

By Renee Orcione, MRA Digital Engagement & Communications Manager | 28 August 2024 In Allies & Partnerships, News, Science, Treatment

One of the greatest scientific breakthroughs in melanoma research has been the FDA approval of cancer immunotherapy treatments called checkpoint inhibitors. These treatments stimulate the body’s own immune system to fight off melanoma. Checkpoint immunotherapies, first approved in melanoma, are now being used to treat a number of different cancer types.

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Sun Safety Spotlight: Dawn Stringer’s Early-Stage Melanoma Diagnosis

By Renee Orcione, MRA Digital Engagement & Communications Manager | 30 July 2024 In Allies & Partnerships, Melanoma Stories, Prevention, Treatment

Being a child of the 90s, sun safety wasn’t a top priority for Dawn Stringer. “I remember always having pink shoulders,” said Dawn of growing up in sunny Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Whether from the sun or from tanning beds, having a tan seemed essential.

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RARE Registry: Providing Hope Through Innovation

26 July 2024 In Allies & Partnerships, Events, Melanoma Stories, News, Prevention, Science, Treatment

Each year approximately 5,000 patients are diagnosed with acral or mucosal melanoma. These rare melanoma subtypes arise in non-sun exposed areas and are not believed to be caused by UV damage. Due to the relative obscurity of these rare subtypes, patients face mounting challenges ranging from late diagnoses, lack of support,...

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MRA's Latest Research Report: We Are Melanoma Research

19 July 2024 In Allies & Partnerships, Events, Melanoma Stories, News, Prevention, Science, Treatment

Each year, the Melanoma Research Alliance brings together melanoma thought leaders from across the global research community to exchange ideas, share recent scientific successes and hurdles, forge new collaborations, and connect with the patient advocate community.

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Stage 4 Mucosal Melanoma to No Evidence of Disease: Dane Thorp's Journey

By Renee Orcione, MRA Digital Engagement & Communications Manager | 26 June 2024 In Allies & Partnerships, Melanoma Stories, Prevention, Science, Treatment

“I can’t hide the fact that I had melanoma,” said Stage 4 mucosal melanoma survivor Dane Thorp. “And when I share my story with others, I always emphasize the importance of being your own advocate.”

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What to Know About the Different Types of Cutaneous Melanoma

21 June 2024 In Allies & Partnerships, Prevention, Science, Treatment

Cutaneous melanoma is the most common form of melanoma, accounting for roughly 90% of all diagnoses. Cutaneous melanoma typically develops on skin that receives UV exposure. Other types of melanoma include acral, uveal, and mucosal melanoma – these are known as rare melanoma subtypes and are not believed to be...

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AI and Melanoma: Innovation for the Future

17 June 2024 In Allies & Partnerships, Prevention, Science, Treatment

“Artificial intelligence (AI) is going to transform how we diagnose, treat, and eventually overcome melanoma,” says Dr. Veronica Rotemberg, Director, Dermatology Imaging Informatics Program at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.

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